Reviving one of my favorite childhood games, Arkanoid.
/** * breakout.c * * Computer Science 50 * Problem Set 4 * * Koren Leslie Cohen * * Creates Breakout game. */ // standard libraries #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> // access to psuedorandom number generator (PRNG) // Stanford Portable Library #include "gevents.h" #include "gobjects.h" #include "gwindow.h" // height and width of game's window in pixels #define HEIGHT 600 #define WIDTH 400 // paddle dimensins #define PADDLEHEIGHT 20 #define PADDLEWIDTH 100 // number of rows of bricks #define ROWS 5 // number of columns of bricks #define COLS 10 // radius of ball in pixels #define RADIUS 10 // lives #define LIVES 3 // prototypes void initBricks(GWindow window); GOval initBall(GWindow window); GRect initPaddle(GWindow window); GLabel initScoreboard(GWindow window); void updateScoreboard(GWindow window, GLabel label, int points); GObject detectCollision(GWindow window, GOval ball); // number of lives initially int lives = LIVES; // number of points initially int points = 0; int main(void) { // seed pseudorandom number generator // means to initialize in such a way that the numbers it will eventually spit out will appear random // it's deliberate that we're initializing PRNG with the current time: time's always changing srand48(time(NULL)); // instantiate window // creates a new graphical window, returning some sort of reference thereto // it's technically a pointer, but the * is hidden by SPL // return value is stored in variable called window, whose type is GWindow // declared in a gwindow.h header file GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT); // instantiate bricks // a function the creates a grid of bricks atop game's window initBricks(window); // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window // passed into function is window so that function knows where to place (draw) the ball // function returns a GOval whose width and height will be equal (circular) GOval ball = initBall(window); // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window // returns a graphical rectangle GRect paddle = initPaddle(window); // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball // simply a graphical label GLabel label = initScoreboard(window); // number of bricks initially int bricks = COLS * ROWS; // initial velocity // use drand48 to make initial velocity random along horizontal x-axis double velocity = drand48(); double velocityY = 2; // keep playing until game over // loop keeps going and going as long as there are bricks left while (lives > 0 && points < 50) { // PADDLE MOVEMENT // check for mouse event GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT); // if we heard one if (event != NULL) { // if the event was movement if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED) { // ensure paddle follows cursor double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2; int y = 500; setLocation(paddle, x, y); } } // BALL MOVEMENT // move ball (up and down and at angles) move(ball, velocity, velocityY); // bounce off right edge of window if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window)) { velocity = -velocity; } // bounce off top edge of window else if (getY(ball) <= 0) { velocityY = -velocityY; } // bounce off left edge of window else if (getX(ball) <= 0) { velocity = -velocity; } // if ball hits bottom of window - lose life, re-position, keep track of lives else if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window)) { lives = lives - 1; waitForClick(); setLocation(ball, 190, 290); setLocation(paddle,150, 500); } // ball to bounce off paddle GObject object = detectCollision (window, ball); if (object == paddle) { velocityY = -velocityY; } // if ball hits brick, brick disappears, scoreboard updated if (object != NULL) { // if object (brick) hit (not the paddle or scoreboard) if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0 && object != paddle && object != label) { removeGWindow(window, object); velocityY = -velocityY; points = points + 1; updateScoreboard (window, label, points); } } // linger before moving again pause(10); } // wait for click before exiting // a function so window doesn't close until user intends waitForClick(); // game over closeGWindow(window); return 0; } /** * Initializes window with a grid of bricks. */ void initBricks(GWindow window) { // initialize variables int i, j, y; int x = -38; // instantiate bricks in window, ROWS and COLS represent grid dimensions // iterate over columns for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) { // create the row of 10 bricks (10 cols) x = x + 40; y = 40; GRect brick = newGRect(x, y, 36, 10); add (window, brick); // set color for initial row of 10 cols setColor(brick, "PINK"); setFilled(brick, true); // create a row of bricks under each col in row (5 rows) for (i = 0; i < ROWS - 1; i++) { y = y + 12; GRect brick = newGRect(x, y, 36, 10); add (window, brick); // set colors for each row individually if (i == 0) { setColor(brick, "RED"); setFilled(brick, true); } if (i == 1) { setColor(brick, "ORANGE"); setFilled(brick, true); } if (i == 2) { setColor(brick, "YELLOW"); setFilled(brick, true); } if (i == 3) { setColor(brick, "GREEN"); setFilled(brick, true); } } } } /** * Instantiates ball in center of window. Returns ball. */ GOval initBall(GWindow window) { // instantiate ball, center bottom of window GOval ball = newGOval (190, 290, 20, 20); // add ball to window add(window, ball); // color and fill setColor(ball, "BLACK"); setFilled(ball, true); return ball; } /** * Instantiates paddle in bottom-middle of window. */ GRect initPaddle(GWindow window) { // instantiate paddle, centered bottom middle GRect paddle = newGRect (150, 500, PADDLEWIDTH, PADDLEHEIGHT); // add paddle to window add(window, paddle); // colored and filled setColor(paddle, "PINK"); setFilled(paddle, true); return paddle; } /** * Instantiates, configures, and returns label for scoreboard. */ GLabel initScoreboard(GWindow window) { // instantiate scoreboard, value is a number (a char*) GLabel label = newGLabel (" "); // add scoreboard to window add (window, label); // location of scoreboard setLocation(label, 100, 100); // font/size of scoreboard setFont(label, "Arial-20"); return label; } /** * Updates scoreboard's label, keeping it centered in window. * Converts the int to a string (char*) using function sprintf. * Sets label to that value. Re-centers label (in case int has * more digits than previous int). Set array size of 12 initially. */ void updateScoreboard(GWindow window, GLabel label, int points) { // update scoreboard char s[12]; sprintf(s, "%i", points); setLabel(label, s); // center scoreboard in window double x = (getWidth(window) - getWidth(label)) / 2; double y = (getHeight(window) - getHeight(label)) / 2; setLocation(label, x, y); } /** * Detects whether ball has collided with some object in window * by checking the four corners of its bounding box (which are * outside the ball's GOval, and so the ball can't collide with * itself). Returns object if so, else NULL. */ // given GOval, determines whether ball has collided with GObject // GRect, GOval, GLabel --> all treated as a GObject // checks the corners of balls bounding box GObject detectCollision(GWindow window, GOval ball) { // ball's location double x = getX(ball); double y = getY(ball); // for checking for collisions GObject object; // check for collision at ball's top-left corner object = getGObjectAt(window, x, y); if (object != NULL) { return object; } // check for collision at ball's top-right corner object = getGObjectAt(window, x + 2 * RADIUS, y); if (object != NULL) { return object; } // check for collision at ball's bottom-left corner object = getGObjectAt(window, x, y + 2 * RADIUS); if (object != NULL) { return object; } // check for collision at ball's bottom-right corner object = getGObjectAt(window, x + 2 * RADIUS, y + 2 * RADIUS); if (object != NULL) { return object; } // no collision return NULL; }
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Federico says
Hi Koren,
thank you so much for sharing this p-set solution! It certainly speeded up a couple of parts!
I am going through a similar change of life myself and so here I am attending CS50 on edX. 🙂
All the best!